Hiking Bean and Bear Lake with Inflatable Paddle Boards
Fall hiking is an essential part of Minnesota living. There are so many great options across the ...
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SUP on Perch Lake
Lake Size: 45 acres
Maximum Depth: 63 ft.
Water Clarity: Very clear
Sitting in Willow Riv...
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SUP on Pigeon Lake, MI
Pigeon Lake April 1st 2019
Monday April 1st, what a beautiful day for a paddle! The plan was to ...
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Paddle North x Grand Tetons
The Loon travels west to the Grant Tetons, Wyoming.
Video by: Bennet Witta of WC Studio | Blog Adventure by: Ben & Mandy @FernTheBus

Paddle Iceland
Iceland is a place of contrasts. Bright moss on dark lava fields. Quiet fjords beside an often violent ocean. Geysers, gorges, cliffs and caverns, and countless mountains and waterfalls — the land itself seems both old and new simultaneously, either ripping itself apart, or still just taking shape.
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SUP on the Wisconsin River, WI
- River Size: 12,280 sq. mi
- River Length: 420 mi.
- Water Clarity: Low
SUP on Johanna Lake, MN
- Lake size: 198 acres
- Maximum Depth: ~40’
- Clarity: 5'-10'
SUP on the Lower St. Mary's River, MI
- A group of islands anchored by the newly developed Voyageur Island Park is located in the Lower St. Mary’s River in Sault Ste. Marie, MI.
- The “lower” portion means it is on the down-river side of the Soo Locks.
- Most people launch from Rotary Park with endless destinations along the river.

SUP on Edith Lake, Alberta
- Max Depth: 60 feet
- Visibility: about 30 feet!
SUP on Lake Nebagamon, WI
- Lake Size: 986 acres
- Max Depth: 56 ft.
- Water Clarity: Low
SUP on Long Lake, MN
- Lake Size: 184 acres
- Max Depth: 32 ft.
- Clarity: Low
SUP on Lake Dexter and Yellow River, WI
- Lake Size: 287 acres
- Max Depth: 17 ft.
- Water Clarity: Low

SUP on Holland Lake, MT
- Size: 400 acres
- Max. Depth: 156 ft
- Water Clarity: CRYSTAL clear!
SUP on the Thornapple River, MI
Cascade Dam to Ada Dam- Ada, Michigan
- Route Length: 4 miles
- Water Clarity: Low

SUP on Jenny Lake, Jackson, WY
- Size: 1.861 mi²
- Max. Depth: 423 ft
- Water Clarity: CRYSTAL clear!

SUP on Pineview Reservoir, Ogden, Utah
- Size: >200 acres
- Max. Depth: 82 feet
- Water Clarity: Somewhat murky from spring runoff
SUP on Hamlin Lake, MI
- Size: 5,350 acres
- Max. Depth: 80 Feet
- Water Clarity: Somewhat murky from algae and shallow waters

SUP at the Apostle Islands Caves, Lake Superior
- Size: 21 islands on Superior's Shoreline
- Max Depth: 60' around caves
- Clarity: 15'

SUP on Silk Lake, MI
Both Silk and Paint Lake are located in Iron County, Michigan. They’re basically in the middle of nowhere cabin country in the U.P, AKA the perfect paddle spot.
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SUP on Valentine Lake, MN
This is by far the most beautiful paddle I have done, and one of the better sunsets that I have seen. As I had the entire lake to myself, it was as smooth as glass.
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SUP on White Potato Lake, WI
- Lake Size: 1023 acres
- Max Depth: 11 feet
- Water Clarity: Low
SUP on Medicine Lake, MN
- Lake size: 925 acres
- Maximum Depth: ~49'
- Clarity: Low

SUP on Lake Owasso, MN
- Lake Size: 375 Acres
- Max Depth: 37 ft.
- Clarity: 5 ft.

SUP on Boulder Lake, WI
Location: Boulder Lake, WI N45°8'28" W88°38'19"
Weather: Air temperature 54°, water temperature 49°

SUP on Silver Lake, MN
Lake facts: Lake size 65 acres, Maximum Depth ~35’, Water Clarity .4 ft.
Weather: 70 degrees and sunny

SUP on Lake Superior, Duluth MN
A documentation of two Paddle North SUP trips to Lake Superior, covering Park Point, Splitrock Lighthouse, Apostle Islands and the Glensheen Mansion.
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SUP on Webb Lake, Wisconsin
The facts: 756 acres, Max Depth: 31', Clarity: ~4'

SUP on Mississippi, Minneapolis MN
The facts: The Mississippi is the third longest river in North America, flowing 2,350 miles from its source at Lake Itasca through the center of the continental United States to the Gulf of Mexico
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SUP on Long Lake, New Brighton MN
The facts: 172 acres, Maximum depth 24’, Water Clarity ~4 ft.
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SUP on George Lake, Kandiyohi County
The facts:
231 Acres, Maximum Depth 34', Clarity 10'

SUP on Peltier Lake, Anoka County
The facts: 579 Acres, Maximum Depth 18’, Water Clarity Low.
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SUP on Cuyuna Lakes
Matt, Peter, Kevin and John head North to Cuyuna to paddle some of the clearest waters in Minnesota.
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SUP on Medicine Lake, Plymouth MN
The facts: 886 Acres, Maximum Depth 49’, Water Clarity ~8 ft.
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SUP on Carnelian Lake, Stillwater MN
The facts: 464 Acres, Maximum Depth 66’, Water Clarity ~16'.
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SUP on Fish Lake, Maple Grove MN
The facts: 237 Acres, Maximum Depth 48’, Water Clarity ~5 ft.
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SUP on Weaver Lake, Maple Grove MN
The facts: 152 Acres, Maximum Depth 57’, Water Clarity ~3 ft.